Archive for 2017

Update cleaning guide


[Chocolat Vanilla] Cleaning high quality tank raws in one click

Changed all Level Auto in action from RBG mode to grayscale mode.


[Chocolat Vanilla] Cleaning high quality tank raws in one click

There are 2 updates.
There a critical error in action.
Level Auto should be right after converting to grayscale mode step. I set it right after converting to RBG mode.

Before playing action, you have to convert image to RBG color or grayscale mode before rotating and cropping. 

Image will be aliased if you rotate at Indexed Color mode.

[Chocolat Vanilla] Cleaning high quality tank raws in one click

I. Very Brief Explanation

The concept is:
If you only use level to clean, some dots will be damaged too much and will be lost. Dots in dark area will become too dark. So I don't level black and level white.

Make a layer that has sufficient pattern (by denoise,...) then darken and merge to that level-white-ed layer. Even I said that, it is not easy to make one. Color of pattern have to look similar to color of pattern of  level-white-ed layer so that it won't bring harm effect.

To make it, we have to sharp 2 times then denoise 3 many times. Sharp 2 times always harm gradient but if we don't sharp 2 times (only sharp 1 time), it is not enough to enough to keep dots from disappearing when using other filters like level or denoise. Denoise 3 many times make sharped-2-time-layer smooth again (not smooth as before using sharp tool but it is smooth enough).

Another problem is black matter. It is possible to create a layer that has black matter. However, black matter exists inside dots. If we select black matter, we also select black matter in dots that will harm gradient if we darken then merge it to level-white-ed layer (it make dots bolder unevenly).

The solution is slecting at 3000 px high, then smooth (select > modify > smooth ) to only select black matter that doesn't include black matter in dots.
However, another problem happened that is black matter in black line has grey color instead black color. It means when we select black matter then black matter itself doesn't exist in black line. To be exact, there are white slots on black lines which were created after sharperning. Setting radius >= 3 for sharp tool will fix it.

There are others problems like how to create a layer that has black matter in the first place, ...

Tiếng Việt - Vietnamese
Cách action hoạt động. nói ra thì hơi dài.
Nếu chỉ level đơn thuần, tank in nhạt nên 1 số dot sẽ bị ảnh hưởng mạnh và bị mất, dot ở vùng đen thì đen quá. Nên không level đen chỉ level trắng.
Tạo 1 lớp layer có pattern đầy đủ (denoise,...) rồi darken lên layer lv trắng đấy. Nói là vậy nhưng lớp pattern này không hề dễ tạo. Nó cần phải có màu giống như chỉ lv trắng, như thế darken lên mới không gây ra tác dụng xấu.
Để tạo ra nó thì sharp 2 lần liên tếp, sau đó denoise 3 nhiều lần. Sharp 2 lần luôn gây ra hỏng gradient nhưng nếu ko sharp 2 lần thì không lấy đc dot, denoise 3 nhiều lần làm cho tác dụng hỏng gradient bị giảm đi nhiều thành ra sharp 2 lần lại đc chấp nhận để tạo ra lớp layer này.
Vấn đề thứ 2 là vùng đen. Có thể tạo 1 layer có vùng đen, tuy nhiên vùng đen còn nằm trong dot/các chấm tròn, nếu select lấy vùng đen thì sẽ làm đậm các dot như thé sẽ hỏng gradient, tác dụng làm đậm cũng không đồng đều.
Cách giải quyết là select ở size 3k high, rồi smooth để chỉ select vùng đen, còn vùng đen trong dot thì không được select.
Tuy nhiên lại xảy ra 1 vấn đề đó là vùng đen trong black line lại không có màu đen, thay vào đó là màu xám. Tức là lúc select vùng đen thì bản thân layer chứa vùng đen những chỗ black line lại không có màu đen, hay chính xác ra là những chỗ đó bị sharp tạo thành rãnh trắng chứ không còn đen nữa. Để giải quyết thì trong lúc tạo layer có vùng đen thì để ý sharp tool, setting chỗ radius để từ 3 trở lên thì chỗ đó sẽ ổn.
Ngoài ra còn vài vấn đề phát sinh khác nữa trong việc tạo layer có vùng đen.
Kết quả thì tốt hơn level đơn thuần. Final size có thể để 3000 px high.

2. Why I want to share action?

Fame? No. Boast? Nope.
If something took you too much time to do, you won't be able to be conceited.
The reason I want to share my action that I developed through many years are:
- It took too much times and it doesn't bring money. (I can develop more but no. Time is precious...)
- Action is good enough. (If it is not good enough, I won't share it.)

3. Dowload link - Mediafire

4. How to use

There are 4 similar actions for 4 scanners:
CanoScan LiDE 120 (Kaguya SSS014)
CanoScan LiDE 200 (Hanebado SSS014)
Canon MG6130 (Brynhildr SSS014)
CanoScan LiDE 220 (Nanoha Yougashiten SSS014)


- PTS and topaz filters: topaz denoise 5, topaz denoise 3.
- More than 2GB RAM is recommended.
If you receive notification "Could not complete Topaz Denoise 3 command because getRectImage-can not get image!.", let try those steps:
menu-> edit -> preference -> performance -> reduce RAM reserved for PS to 50%
- Raws need to be scanned at 600 dpi. (300 dpi won't work)
- Scanner doesn't use any filter when scanning.

Scanners usually use unsharp filter as default so you need to uncheck it (uncheck every checkbox). By the way, you should use a black page to cover manga page that needs to be scanned (i don't have one though); don't use auto straighten or auto crop/auto rotate function of scanner, more details than enough will be cropped.
Action doesn't depend on kind of tank raws. Only depend on kind of scanner.
For example, I scanned Kaguya, Sword Art Online Alternative, Yubisaki Milk Tea,.. with LiDE 120 (of course it is not good as LiDE 220 or LiDE220 but it is good enough). All of them can be cleaned with same action for CanoScan LiDE 120.


1. Rotate and crop. Remember to convert image to RBG color or grayscale mode before rotating. Rotating at Indexed Color will make image aliased.
2. Fill/brush out most dusts in the edge because of torn pages.
3. Pre-level.
If you don't do step 1 and 2 properly, when you lick auto level, it will like that

After (clicking Auto)

If you do step 1 and 2 properly, when you lick auto level, it will like that
After (clicking Auto)
Or you can just do pre-level by hand (level to outer edge).

4. Click play action.
5. Fill/brush out dust in the edge that you didn't notice after action was done, then canvas after getting rid of dusts.

How to config action to be able to work with your scanner

There are 2 kinds of parameter:

Level white

If you don't understand, it means you even don't know what is leveling.
CanoScan LiDE 120 (Kaguya SSS014) - 222

CanoScan LiDE 200 (Hanebado SSS014) - 222

Canon MG6130 (Brynhildr SSS014) - 234

CanoScan LiDE 220 (Nanoha Yougashiten SSS014) - 204

Reduce setting (noise > reduce noise)

I use reduce noise 2 times.

It will be one or both kinds of those setting (remember to tick Remove JPEG Artifact).

Strength is strength of blurriness.
For example,
CanoScan LiDE 120 is strength 10, sharp 100, then strength 10, sharp 100 again.
While CanoScan LiDE 220 or CanoScan LiDE 200 is strength 0, sharp 100, then strength 0, sharp 100.
Canon MG6130 is strength 10, sharp 100, then strength 0, sharp 100.

So how to know when strength is 10 or when strength is 0. For CanoScan LiDE 120, paper dusts are visible, if you use strength (of blurriness) 0, duts will be too much. If dusts are too much because strength 0, sharp 100 or details are lost because of strength 10, sharp 100, it means you set it wrong.
There are only 4 cases anyways. Maybe you will find the best after 3 cases. It is easy.

Unlike normal sharp tool that sharps details unevenly, using reduce noise (at big size) helps cleans bolder evenly.

5. Credit

Idea "Pre-level" (auto level) belongs to Knight (MTO - Manga Translation Organisation).

Idea "Level white before doing other things" belongs to Knight (MTO - Manga Translation Organisation).

Idea "Using reduce noise" belongs to Knight (MTO - Manga Translation Organisation).

Concept and action was developed by Mana Light (Chocolat Vanilla, PureMashiro).

Update: 6/11/2017
Update: 6/24/2017
Raws to test action (LIDE 120): MEGA
There is a manga called Nejimage Factor in jcafe. I think you can test it.

If you feel my action helpful and use it, please keep this image with your release.

Cleaning 03 - Revolution in using of topaz clean

Normally we use topaz at small size.
With small size, you can see rectangle pattern.
Topaz clean only has effect with rectangle pattern.
There are two reason to use topaz clean
1. to have grey color.
2. to flatten pattern.

Texture bar decides the grey while strength bar and threshold bar mainly decide flatten effect.
Grey color is better to read.
Without topaz clean
Topaz clean with texture =1
Topaz clean with texture =0.6 (optional: sharpness 0.8)

Topaz clean has some weaknesses.
1.If you topaz clean with texture < 1, gradient will be worse compare to topaz clean with texture = 1.
However, if we don't topaz with texture < 1, pattern won't have grey color.
2. When we want grey color but doesn't want flatten effect. Flatten effect will cause losing gradient like highlight.
With small size, evem when let strength = 0 and lower texture, cleans still looks bad,
(the above two are the main weaknesses)
3. Only work with rectangle pattern.
4. Only work with smooth pattern (won't work for noisy pattern that was topaz denoised not enough).
Now let say about other way to topaz clean
Topaz clean at 3000 px high instead of small size.
Let strength be 0 and sharpness = 0, texure =1 (sharpness 0.3, texture 0.6 is simillar to sharpness 0, texture 1. the difference is hard to see. there is relation between sharpness and texture).
Then resize to small size.
You will have grey color effect without flatten effect.

Sharpness or exactly blurryness will case grey effect.
-So why don't we use it in small size?
In small size the blurry can be seen so it will harm cleans more than the help.

- Why do we have to resize after using it?
Because low sharpness will make cleans blur, you can see black line was bigger and blurry so need to resize to reduce blurry.
When you resize an image bigger, it will become blur, but the reversal is not always true. Like you denoise an image at big size and resize it down to small size, it is still blur.
The final size is still small.

Topaz clean at 3000 px high then resize does have effect with other pattern other than rectangle shape.

Work well with noisy pattern

You still have to canvas thing before using topaz clean and level white a bit after using the filter at the very end.
After resizing to final size, you can continue to topaz clean with texture = 1 to flatten pattern.

This is not the first time this setting was used. It is just it was only used in final size/small size.
Topaz clean was supposed to with small size and texture setting is what decides grey color.
So topaz clean with sharpness < 1 at big size like 3000 px high is probably correct use.

It was found yesterday on 1/3 by Mttblue2 and me.
He used it accidently. I noticed it and brought into practice.

It still needs to test more and more to see if it is really correct because you can't realize your own errors at first. From my experiences, there is no problem with this way so I public it.
Work well with noisy pattern It still work well with noisy pattern but still need pattern is rectangle pattern so that "noise" can be already reduced beforehand.
does have effect with other pattern other than rectangle shape. This is still true but still needs rectangle pattern be the mean pattern. It means final size is small (to have rectangle pattern).

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