Posted by : Pure Mashiro Jun 19, 2015

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Original guide was written by Tammi -
Thanks for permission to translate it.

Link down topaz (topaz doinoise 5, topaz clean 3, topaz denoise 3 + key)

Về cơ bản cách clean magazine raws cho bộ Magi (weekly shounen sunday) cũng như cách clean weekly magazine nói chung như sau:

Nhân đôi layer
Denoise 3
Denoise 5
Xóa bụi (nếu thấy cần)
Detail recovery (nếu thấy cần) - mình gọi là recover detail - khôi phục chi tiết
Resize 8000 px chiều dài
Resize 3000 px chiều dài
Denoise 5 (nếu thấy cần)
Resize final size, 72 dpi (đa số là 1300 px chiều dài, bộ Magi là 1200 px chiều dài)
Expand (Mở rộng) Canvas
Topaz Clean 3
Contract (Thu hẹp) Canvas
Level để xóa bụi
Denoise Filters

Denoise 3

> Thanh Suppress noise - Đây là thông số chính cần thay đổi. Giúp xóa noise nhưng cũng làm nhòe ảnh. Thường kéo khoảng 0.8 [0.70-1.00]

>Thanh Clean - Làm phẳng ảnh, lan đều màu. Giống như một surface blur (làm mờ bề mặt), đặc biệt (kiểu như khi ta chọn filter > blur > surface blur). Mình thích để tương đối cao 0.70 [0.5-0.7]

> Thanh Recover Details - Tái tạo lại hình ảnh bị denoise, giảm hiệu quả của suppress denoise

> Thanh Reduce blur (giảm độ mờ) - Khá quan trọng, làm ảnh đỡ bị mờ do denoise. Làm các cạnh sắc nét hơn nhưng giúp cho tones/caro đồng đều hơn/ có thứ tự hơn và sau đó dùng topaz denoise 5 cũng sẽ dễ hơn. Mình thích để khoảng 0.4 [0.20-0.40]

>Các thanh còn lại để 0

Preview trong topaz denoise 3 là 200%  sẽ dễ nhìn tác dụng của topaz hơn như kiểu dáng screentones sau khi topaz hay vùng đen và trắng bị làm phẳng/bị ảnh hưởng như thế nào.

Denoise 5

Dùng cái này là để làm screentones/caro tiếp tục được đồng đều hơn/ có thứ tự hơn, ngoài ra nó sẽ làm mờ vùng đen và trắng đã được làm phẳng sau khi topaz denoise 3

Chỉ thay đổi các thanh này:

>Overall Strength - Làm mờ ảnh. Nếu chỉ muốn tác động một chút thì để là  0.20-0.35.

>Reduce blur - Làm các nét vẽ màu đen không bị mờ hay nhòe quá. Để khoảng  0.10-0.13.

Lí do không dùng các thanh khác là do các thanh còn lại chỉ thay đổi độ tương phản hoặc làm đậm (sharpen), mấy cái filter có sẵn của PTS còn làm tốt hơn.

Ngoài ra có thể denoise 5  để làm đều screentones/caro và làm mờ bụi sau khi level. Sau khi level ở 8000 px chiều dài thì resize về 3000 px sau đó thì dùng denoise 5:

>Overall Strength - 0.80-1.00

>Reduce blur - 0.00-0.13

Detail Recovery

Denoise filters at their core are fancy blurs. They have a habit of blurring out 'textured' areas, black/white line details on patterned areas, or making white details on black areas turn to mush.
Once you level these details will be lost/destroyed. It's our job as cleaners to have our screentones looking top notch while keeping as much of the original detail as possible.
It's not possible to do this without recovering details from the raw image.

These techniques can be applied at almost any step in the cleaning process, so if you see something's missing you can always grab it from the raw. Keep in mind though that doing it at 3000px will yield the best results.

Line Detail Recovery
 (click to show/hide)
Line Detail Recovery is normally done before resizing to 8000px for leveling but after denoising. We use a sharpened copy of the raw layer with the layer-mode set to darken for black lines, and a separate identical layer set to lighten or screen for the white details.

Duplicate the raw layer, sharpen it a fair bit so the details stand out (unsharpen mask 60-80%, 0.9).
Create a mask and then use either the line tool or the brush tool to 'mask out' these details from the layer using a black coloured brush/line tool on the mask. Once you have masked out the
details you want to keep, you invert the mask, level slightly (usually only for blacks), then change the layer mode.
Merge these with the cleaning layer, you might want to duplicate the layers and keep copies during cleaning in case you need to touch anything up after leveling/the potential 3rd denoising at 3000px.

Raw Texture Recovery
 (click to show/hide)
Another type of recover is Raw-texture/pattern recovery.
This form of recovery can be done at almost any time during cleaning as you just have to go to the raw layer and grab the selection.
Personally I prefer doing the selection at 3000px either before resizing/leveling or after resizing/leveling. There are some cases where I have to do it at final size as well if topaz messes up something I didn't think it would, or if I just missed it. Doing this at 3000px does make it look better since you're leveling a pattern at close to the original size rather than a smaller, down-scaled version. Since topaz ends up messing up these texture-based patterns you need to go extract them from the raw, using either the pen tool or polygonal lasso (I prefer pen/paths tool) select the area then layer via copy onto a new layer. From there sharpen it then level.

Topaz Clean 3

Topaz clean filtering serves to smooth out pattern gradients, and helps to make white-dirt on black areas fainter (easier to burn)
Settings breakdown.

 (click to show/hide)

Threshold controls the balance between smoothing gradients and blurring out line-details.
Sharpness controls the edge and screen tone sharpness.
texture controls how prominent the screentones are.

Though topaz clean is a great filter, it does have its flaws.
 (click to show/hide)
Topaz Dust
Topaz clean is notorious for creating a fine layer of dust on the whites of the image. Dust Example
After the filter has completed, level the blacks and whites by at least 5 each to make sure this dust is gone.

Topaz Clean Rings
If you attempt to use the filter on a page as is, it has a high possibility of creating a 'Topaz Clean Ring.'
This is when topaz clean creates a jagged/overly sharp line, several pixels thick, around the edge of your page's patterned edges. Here's an exaggerated example:
To avoid this you need to expand canvas by 100px each side - relative, then if there's blank space, fill it with white. (I find creating a white fill layer behind the clean layer, then merging it down works best). After your tc3 filtering you contract the canvas and continue with the page. Here is an action that will expand/fill the canvas and contract it by the same amount: Download


There are two reliable ways to sharpen. Unsharpen Mask, and the High pass filter Overlay method.
 (click to show/hide)

Adding on to what the above image said, when using the high pass filter try to keep the radius value low (I almost never have to go above 1.0).
Changing the high pass layer's mode can help with increasing contrast, I like to have it set on overlay for the most part.
Once you've gotten your ideal sharpen settings using the high pass layer, you must merge it with the clean layer before continuing to edit the page.

When using the Unsharpen mask filter I like to keep my settings anywhere from 0.36%/0.9radius - 0.60%/0.9radius.

Dirt removal

Sometimes denoising a page won't remove all the dirt from the image, rather than opting for increasing the denoise str values and blurring the page more you can selectively fix the crummy areas.
 (click to show/hide)
To remove additional dirt after denoising (before leveling) use the quickmask tool (default shortcut is Q) brush over the areas you want to remove dirt from with black (patterns only) Press Q again to go from the mask to a selection, invert your selection so only the areas you want are selected. Sharpen more, denoise 5 at max str, .13 reduce blur.

You can also attempt to use the spot healing brush; Mode: replace; Type: Content-Aware at 8000px, brush size has to be around the same size as a set of 4 tone-dots at 8000px or a bit larger, you will be clicking once over the dirt area to ideally get rid of it. This might need a bit of undo/re-clicks for the content aware aspect to not mess up. Try not to brush over large areas with this as content aware algorithm messes up a lot.

Taking advantage of the content aware fill method can help if you don't want to play around with the spot healing brush, make your selection then 'edit > fill'

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